Confirm Your Booking

Please enter your details below to start the booking process. Once complete we will email you a booking confirmation which will also include your pre and post treatment care.

You are booking a Lash Lift and Brow Lamination appointment for

09:30am on Monday 10th March 2025

If this is not correct, please go back and select another date and time.

If you were referred by a friend, make sure you input their name in the 'Where did you hear about us?' field so they can get 25% off their next treatment! Or if you found us on Facebook or Google etc. just enter that.

Confirm email:
Phone number:
How did you hear about us?:
I have had/will have a patch test with BronzeMe for this treatment
I accept the client disclaimer:

Client Disclaimer: I fully understand the process of application. I have been advised of all pre and post treatment care procedures and all my questions have been answered in full. I hereby authorise the therapist to give me recommended applications. I also understand that I must follow the aftercare advice given to me to ensure I get the best out of my treatment. I understand that I must give at least 24 hours cancellation notice to receive a full refund. Any cancellations made within 24 hours will not be eligible for a refund of the booking fee (£15.00).

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  • My tan was amazing and faded evenly during my holiday. Really professional and friendly service. I've had two tans from BronzeMe and i would never go anywhere else!
    Stella - Wixams
  • Absolutely gorgeous tan! Thank you so much! My skin looked and felt lovely and healthy.
    Sarah - Wixams
  • Even though I have been in a pool and I had it done over a week ago, it is still on really well and smells fruity, doesn’t go patchy either. highly recommend.
    Chloe - Kempston
  • Had a lovely spray tan last week. Would recommend the palest colour if you just want a nice glow. Faded gradually with no horrible patches. Highly recommend!
    Jackie - Kempston



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