Spray Tanning FAQs
How does the tan work?
Spray tanning is not only quick but is very effective. Spray tanning uses an active ingredient, dihydroxyacetone or DHA to enhance the colour of your skin. This is achieved by the technician using a low pressure spraying machine.
DHA is a colourless sugar based product which interacts with the proteins and amino acids in the outer layer of your skin to turn your skin to a golden brown colour. The solution that is sprayed onto your skin is a guide for the technician but over a period of 6-8 hours the tan will develop. You will then need to shower and this guide colour will wash off and you will be left with a golden glow!
Is it safe?
All our ingredients are completely natural. The DHA is extracted from natural sugar cane and is even recommended by the American FDA for safe tanning. We can offer patch tests if necessary. If you are pregnant or concerned about skin allergies you may want to check with your GP first.
How long will the tan last?
The time varies from person to person but generally a tan will last between 5 – 7 days dependent on your lifestyle. We advise that you prepare the skin properly before the tan using oil free products and to moisturise well after the treatment. A sunless tan will fade gradually just like a real tan as the top layer of your skin naturally sheds its dead skin cells. The key to prolonging your tan is to use a moisturiser on a daily basis.
Will the treatment work for me?
Yes the tan is very versatile and will work on almost everyone, even those people who do not tan in the sun!
What do I need to do to prepare for my tan treatment?
To get the best result from your tan you need to exfoliate the skin by removing your dead skin cells and remembering to avoid any shower gels or bathing products that contain oils. Do not moisturise before your treatment as this inhibits the tan and acts as a barrier. We also recommend that you remove make up and deodorant too as this can react with tan.
What will happen during my treatment?
Your tanning technician will go through your consultation form to ensure that you get the correct information to enhance your tan. Your technician will ask you to undress and offer you disposable underwear and ask you to remove any jewellery. The technician will then apply a barrier cream to avoid tanning areas that do not require a tan. You will be asked to stand in a tanning cubicle and the tanning and drying procedure will take about ten minutes. The difference between a tanning technician spraying you and an automated booth is that the technician can spray the tan and ensure you have an even coverage avoiding the insides of hands and feet. You can then dress immediately and the technician/therapist will advise you on after care and answer any questions that you may have.
Do I have to remove all my clothes?
No, it is entirely up to you. We can provide disposable underwear or you can go topless or alternatively you can wear dark shorts or swimwear.
Will I be really dark?
No, not if you don't want to. We have 7 different shades in two tones to choose from and we always advise that if you are new to tanning that you choose the lightest shade and then increase to a darker shade if you like it. Your therapist/technician can advise you on a colour choice as part of your consultation.
When can I have another tan?
You can book another treatment as soon as 48 hours if you want to achieve a really dark colour but we recommend that to keep up your tan you book in again within 5-7 days.
What should I wear after my treatment?
Remember to wear something dark and loose for after your treatment as this will stop any rubbing of the tan and not affect the final result. Avoid wearing anything tight and restrictive. Natural fibre clothes are the best but it will wash out generally in a normal wash cycle remembering some fibres (lace and silk especially) do stain.
Will I go streaky or orange?
Gone are the days that fake tanning makes you orange and your therapist can ensure that if you follow all pre and post tan care advice you will get an even golden glow!
What about my hair and nails?
We can provide a hair cap for you, if you prefer, although the solution will not penetrate into your hair follicles. We do advise that if you are worried about your nails you protect them with a nail varnish before the treatment as this will stop the solution soaking into the nail.
How do I pay for my tan?
We accept cash and card, including contactless and Apple pay.
Gift vouchers available on request.


We accept cash, cards and Apple Pay. A PayPal account is not required